10 Habits of Successful People


10 Habits of Successful People and how to Stay Successful in Life

Nearly all successful people have similar habits. If you are not sharp enough, you may never notice these habits.

habits of successful people

Do you dream of becoming successful one day? Well here are some habits of successful people. If you are someone who doesn’t have most or all of these habits it’s a warning sign. A sign you may not be ready for success.


1. Be Decisive

The decisions that you make, whether small or big, will affect your success in life. It’s important to make sure that these decisions complement your personal values. If you are unable to make the right decisions, then you will find it very difficult to live a successful life.


2. Be Responsible

You want to be responsible for things happening in your life as much as possible. That means taking control of the events happening in your life. It’s the difference between success and failure. Your actions will influence your success.  So be more responsible.

habits of successful people


3. Stay Focused

Focusing on the goals that you set will help you become successful in the shortest period of time. Without focus, you will be unable to do important things, those things that will set your life on a new path to success. Staying focused is very important otherwise wasted energy and effort can cause hamper your success.


4. Wake Up Early

Most people, who are successful in life, cultivate a habit of waking up early. If you have difficulty with waking up early, you should try different techniques. Things like finding an alarm clock, avoiding light or watching TV an hour before retiring to bed etc. might help. Make sure to get enough sleep so you can perform at a high level.

sucess habits traits


5. Avoid Distractions

There are always a number of distractions in your life that can lead to your failure in life. For instance, drugs, bad company, social media and much more can cause problems. To avoid distractions, make sure you work on completing the items on your to-do list before your work day ends.


6. Be Patient

Patience almost always pays. To become successful you have to practice patience. If you do things hurriedly, chances are that you won’t do them the right way and you will become a failure. You don’t want to take shortcuts either that affect the outcome of things. Take your time to attract success.


7. Listen More and Speak Less

Those who are successful use most of their time listening instead of speaking. By listening more and speaking less you have time to digest what you are listening to make sound decisions. Sound decisions will help you in daily life plus help insure success.


8. Be Respectful

In most disciplines, respect is the key to success. Without respect, you won’t be able to taste success no matter how hard you try. Whether you become successful or not respect should always be an integral part of your life.

business success plan


9. Always Make the First Move

Be bold in life and always make the first move.  Avoid being after the crowd or a “Johnny come lately”. Always be ahead of the pack if you want to taste success.


10. Manage your Time Well

In business time is money. So if you don’t manage your time well, don’t expect success to come on a silver platter. It may be possible to make a lot of money. But if it takes an inordinate amount of your time to do so then success may have eluded you.

habits of successful people


Success is a much Coveted Achievement

To sum it up, becoming successful is without a doubt one of the most coveted achievements for anyone today. However, as you can see, it requires a fair share of effort on your part.  Although it’s still possible it takes determination. If you faithfully stick to these 10 habits outlined above, it will go a long way toward making your dream of becoming successful a reality.


5 Ways to Stay Dedicated to Success

Along with these ten traits of successful people you have to do your best at all times. But sometimes staying dedicated becomes difficult. This is not a sign of defeat.  On the contrary, feeling disgusted or demotivated along the way can easily happen. That’s whether due to sheer exhaustion or setbacks it is almost inevitable. So you will need a little boost. The following are 5 ways to help you stay dedicated to success.



1. Make sure you Set Attainable Goals

Setting goals gives you a short term motivation and a long term vision. It also helps you to organize your resources and time. That way you can make the most of your life. Write down your goals with a pen on a piece of paper. According to research, writing them down by hand and connecting the letters manually engages your brain more actively. Typing them involves less mental connection and is less effective.


2. Break down Goals into Smaller Pieces

A major source of stress in life comes from the feeling there are an impossible number of things to do. If you try to do a large project at once, you will most certainly feel overwhelmed. To avoid this you should break down the project into realistic steps.  Focus on completing each goal or task one at a time.

Success in each step triggers the reward center of the brain. It releases a feel good chemical known as dopamine. This makes you feel motivated and inspires you to take another step.

habits of successful people


3. Find a Social Support Network

Create a group of people who can help keep you on track. They can be family, friends or relatives who can guide you and help you develop new skills. You can also reach out to them when you are feeling demotivated, listen and share ideas with them.


4. Exercise

habits of successful peopleAny form of exercise from yoga to aerobics elevates your mood. It increases feel good chemicals in the brain. Exercising also acts as a type of meditation. It focuses your mind on a particular task, clearing any doubts as well as lowering stress. These elements combine and produce motivational feelings to carry forward.


5. Reward yourself

When you get the expected results, reward yourself in some way. For some task, taking a few minutes break will do. Other times you can treat yourself to a dessert, a cup of coffee or some other similar treat. For a more demanding project, you can reward yourself by doing something enjoyable like taking a vacation, going to a show or movie. Or you could even buy yourself something. Then move on to the next project.

Try to adapt these habits of successful people if you don’t already have them. It will help tremendously in your goal of attaining success. Gan you think of any other qualities that will help you become successful?


habits of successful people

7 Things Successful People Do To Improve Themselves


Have you ever wondered why some people succeed so much in what they do in life while others do not? Well, here are 7 things successful people do to improve.

things successful people do to improve
Try them out. They should help succeed in your goals. Who knows, you may become an icon in your community or online.


1. They set goals persistently.

A major thing people do to improve themselves and one of the seven things successful people do to improve is to set goals for themselves. You cannot improve in anything you do unless you set some targets and achieve them. Successful people understand that you can never be too good at what you do or too successful in your trade. You always have a goal to achieve.

You always have to do something that no one before you did. Steve Jobs had this type of mentality and look at what he built. Apple is now the most highly valued company in the world.


2. They have the right networks.

You cannot succeed alone. You need a network of people who know things that you do not know. You should listen to their expert advice, analyze it, and then implement it if it makes sense. Do not rely on your wisdom in everything you do because you cannot know everything.

Get a good accountant, a professional lawyer, an excellent human resource manager, and a strategic thinker among others. Start connecting with the high and mighty in your society because they have the ability to make or break business deals.


3. Take responsibility for your actions and learn from your failures.

Taking responsibility for their actions is another one of the things successful people do to improve themselves. You will never be successful if you do not accept responsibility for your actions even if it is just in private. Without doing so, you would never learn from your mistakes. Instead, you would blame others for your failures and doing that will cost you many good friends.

If you learn from your mistakes, you can correct them and even prevent them in future. You can build stronger relationships with those around you and generate better ideas than you did before you took responsibility for your actions.


4. Family is everything.

7 things successful people do to improvePeople who succeed focus on their families incessantly. They have to groom the heirs to the family fortune so that their effort to build this fortune does not go to waste after they die. Knowing that someone will take over their businesses motivates them to work harder.

They want to make sure they can hand over a strong and prosperous estate. By doing so, their name will live forever and their grandchildren and great grandchildren will hear stories about them.


5. Take care of your body, mind, and spirit.

You cannot be successful if your body is unable to handle the pressure that comes with working hard. You have to keep it healthy with exercise and a healthy diet. You also have to have a sound mind for you to make the right decisions at the right time.

Doing so is impossible if you have too much stress. Finally, you have to be in good spirit for you to think clearly. You also cannot enjoy life or interact with others positively if you are in a bad mood persistently. Take care of yourself so that you can expand your wealth and enjoy it while you are at it.

what do successful people do

6. Discover what really motivates you then Do It

“When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.” ~ Lolly Daskal

This is a good quote to think about when you’re at work, especially if you’re doing something you dislike.

Imagine yourself being very successful in your current job. More than likely you may find yourself working very hard. This will probably take up most of your time.

Should the job be one you hate, then being successful at it could mean filling your life with something you hate to do.  If that’s the case what’s the sense in this?

In such cases, why not focus on doing something meaningful to you, something you love? After you’ve found what you’re passionate about, that gives you the motivation to keep going. Success in this newfound passion can mean the fulfillment of your dreams.

Not sure what you really like to do or what motivates you? There are ways to find out.

In the event you’re not successful, at least you spent your time doing something you love to do.


7. Challenge Yourself is something you need to do to Improve

Your goals need to be just out of reach. Don’t make it so hard or practically impossible for you in your particular situation.  If you reach for an impossible target, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

challengeOn the other hand if you stick to what’s easy for you you’re denying yourself the satisfaction of achievement. Probably in that case only minimal change will happen. You’ll need to take a middle ground approach.

Although at the time I didn’t know it. But challenging myself was one of the things successful people do to improve themselves. I set out on a challenge to buy a home even though I didn’t make enough money to qualify for a loan.

Here’s an example of the goal I decided to aim for.  Back when I became a programmer trainee I was the oldest at 31 years old. Most of the other trainees were fresh out of college and in their early or mid-20s. Most of them were buying their own homes. Although our salaries were good they were not enough to buy a home in high-priced Southern California.

I decided I wanted a house too but I wasn’t able to qualify since I wasn’t married. Or my parents weren’t able to give me the money for the downpayment like the others. What did I do to be able to get my first house? I brainstormed various ideas I came up with.

things successful people do to improveI worked two years to get some programming experience. Then I switched jobs three times over the next couple of years, each time with a big increase in salary. Finally my salary was high enough to qualify for my first house about three years later. That turned out to be the first of over a half-dozen houses I ended up buying.

How did I do it? I made up my mind that if other people could buy houses with little or no money I’d do it too. I went to several real estate seminars. I got several tips from them which enabled me to buy houses with little or none of my own money. Also I learned how to effectively create mortgages where I was the one being paid instead of the bank or mortgage company.

Make the final stretch goal in your quest toward personal self-development something reasonable, but difficult to achieve. Be persistent and never give up.

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