About Wanderlust Quotes

About Wanderlust Quotes – the Site the Quotes Plus a Few Surprises

Wanderlust Quotes is a site dedicated to all those that like to wander. That’s whether by choice or by chance. We all wander in our own way. On the site we try to capture quotes that express our wanderings in many different ways.

In addition to quotes about wanderlust or wandering the site also has many other different types of quotes.

A common question is why? The simple answer is why not? Enough said. A few other surprises lie in store for you if you explore our site.

If you have any questions or would like to see anything specific including certain kinds of quotes please contact us.

About Wanderlust Quotes
A wanderer capturing the view in Alicante Spain

I have wandered all my life, and I have also traveled; the difference between the two being this, that we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment. ~ Hilaire Belloc

Even our thoughts may be about wandering. One may dream of visiting foreign lands and meeting those they’d never meet otherwise. Take a look and see if any of the quotes resonate with you or your wanderings.


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